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Water and Health

Are you water-wise?

Soft drinks won’t do it. Fruit juices won’t do it. Even milk won’t do it. Nothing hydrates your body like water. But how absorbable is your water? Alkapuro’s natural ionic calcium alkaline water is one of the best sources of hydration. It hydrates faster and more completely than tap water or most bottled waters, as proven by tests. Proper, more thorough hydration is the key to good health and fitness.


Your entire body needs water to work efficiently

Water helps you digest food which in turn is converted into energy. Water regulates your body temperature, keeps your mouth moistened, and helps maintain muscle tone. Water–especially highly absorbable water–carries nutrients and oxygen to every cell in your body and protects and cushions vital organs and joints. Alkapuro’s natural ionic calcium alkaline water carries out these functions more completely than regular waters, and helps maintain the proper pH of the body.


Water plays a significant part in weight loss

Water is a great aid while dieting. Water has no calories, acts as an appetite suppressant, and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Drinking enough water helps alleviate fluid retention, relieves constipation, and flushes impurities from the body. Alkapuro’s natural ionic calcium alkaline water, being highly absorbable, carries out these functions more completely than regular water.


As temperatures rise, so does your body’s need for water

During the Summer months, keep your body properly hydrated. Evaporation of perspiration from your skin helps cool you down, but water is lost during the process. It’s important to replenish that water; otherwise your body can overheat. Alkapuro’s natural ionic calcium alkaline water hydrates more completely while helping to maintain your body’s proper pH (balance of alkalinity and acidity). Most bottled waters are acidic and do not have the absorption capacity that Alkapuro’s natural ionic calcium alkaline water has. Alkapuro’s natural ionic calcium alkaline water is a highly absorbable and safely pure alkaline water.


Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages are dehydrating

Far from refreshing, caffeinated beverages, wines, and spirits deplete water in your body. To compensate for this loss and prevent dehydration, increase your water consumption. If you do drink any of these beverages, then consume a tall glass of water soon after. Alkapuro’s natural ionic calcium alkaline water will hydrate your body faster and more completely than regular water. Carry it with you to those cocktail parties and wherever you go!


During a 60-minute workout you can lose more than a quart of water

Depletion of water occurs quickly. Take steps to prevent dehydration by drinking 16 ounces of Alkapuro’s natural ionic calcium alkaline water two hours prior to exercising, then sipping four to six ounces every 20 minutes or so during your workout.

Be water-wise!