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The General Functions of Essential Minerals

Calcium (Ca)

  • Essential for building teeth and to bones and nourishes hormone secretion.
  • Symptoms of Ca deficiency: osteoporosis, tooth decay, muscle spasms, arthritis, feet and hand cramps and menopause.

Magnesium (Mg)

  • Regulates energy production and maintains vitamin levels in the body.
  • Symptoms of Mg deficiency: constant fatigue, insomnia, loss of hair, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, tooth decay, PMS, migraine, heart disease and increased nervousness.

Potassium (K)

  • Maintains blood pressure and plays an essential role in the muscular and nervous systems.
  • Symptoms of K deficiency: increased pulse rate, constipation, high blood pressure, heart disease, angina pectoris, allergy, eczema and skin dryness.
    Minerals and the Body

Sodium (Na)

  • With the combination of potassium it maintains the osmotic pressure of body fluids.
  • Symptoms of Na deficiency: loss of appetite, weight loss, vomiting, dehydration, malfunction of the menstruation process and anxiety.

Minerals are essential nutrients that cannot be manufactured through cell metabolism and therefore must be obtained through food and water. Over the years, there has been much written about vitamins, with very little provided on the subject of minerals and minerals in water. While it is true that vitamins play an important role in our bodies and that our bodies have the capacity to manufacture vitamins A, B and K (with the assistance of sunlight), the same is not true for minerals. Vitamins can also be manufactured in laboratories. Minerals, however, have to be mined from the earth.

Minerals combined with dietary proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins become an integral part of our body and its functions. Minerals play the essential role of building and regulating. Our regulatory functions allow for fluid secretion from the glands, maintenance of water and acid-alkaline balance, transmission of impulses, transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide, transmission and discharge of metabolic waste, maintaining heart beats, blood clotting, and enzyme activity.